Rx For Life

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CH 23 Success

How would you define success, define living a successful & fulfilling life?  How would define a life well lived?  Would it be a lifetime with little pain & much pleasure?  Or a lifespan filled with accolades and financial rewards?  Would being remembered favorably after death be a marker of success?  Or making a difference in the lives of others, would that qualify as an achievement?  Well, of course, all of these examples are opinions that some might hold forth as proper definitions of a successful life.  But towards the end of his life, the One who came to set us free also shared his opinion on the definition of a life lived well.  It is a pathway, a recipe for success that we all can emulate.  For the route to success is found in Jesus’ high-priestly prayer to his Father, found in John, chapter seventeen.

These words spoke Jesus, and lifted up his eyes to heaven, and said, Father, the hour is come; glorify your Son, that your Son also may glorify you.

John 17:1

Am I living or just existing?  Am I intentional in my actions or am I sleepwalking through life?  Jesus looked up toward God.  He was dependent upon his Father.  For he knew that a life dependent upon God experiences the supernatural power of God.  As has been said, only a life dependent is a life that is capable.  Independence is a lie, first propagated in the Garden of Eden, and still fed to us in overflowing amounts every day & in every way from the god of this world, from people, from the world’s system and even from our loved ones & parents!  “You should take charge,” we hear.  We are taught to have that “can do attitude.”  No, no, no!  Jesus understood that it is far better to live with a sense of divine destiny, trusting the Father, depending on the Father, for everything in his life, even the end!  Jesus knew that this was his hour for greatness!  It was his hour to glorify God.

What about me, about you?  Am I desirous to elevate God?  Is my purpose to bring praise to the Father?  That was our Lord’s drive, to bring exaltation to God.  That was his definition of a successful life.

To follow in this prayer are the markers Jesus used to define success.  To outline how he saw a life well-lived.  This is a blueprint we may want to remember and walk-in as we seek to emulate our wonderful Savior.

I have glorified thee on the earth:

John 17:4a

Have I glorified the Father during my days given to me upon this orb?  How do I even do that?  

The answer to that is clearly given just a few verses earlier by Jesus when he spoke his final words to his men on the night he was betrayed.

Herein is my Father glorified, that you bear much fruit.

John 15:8

That’s the key!  I want to be a fruit bearer and in doing so I will glorify God, I will be a success.

And just what is fruit-bearing?

First of all, fruit is not for the branches, it is “others” oriented.  Fruit is a blessing to others, it brings refreshment & nourishment to hungry souls.  It is clearly seen in Paul’ words to the Galatians;

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance…

Galatians 5:22

The fruit of the spirit is love.  Which is then characterized by its components of joy, peace, patience, gentleness, kindness, faith, meekness & self-control.  Living a lovely life is one example of fruit-bearing, of bringing exaltation to the Father, of living a successful life.

Fruit production can also be tasted on our lips as we praise the Godhead with thankful words; “By him, therefore, let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name,” (Hebrews 13:15).  Thus, we learn that a life filled with thanksgiving and praise to God is also one that would be characterized as successful by our Savior.

Am I generous?  That also is an example of fruit production.  “For even in Thessalonica you sent once again unto my necessity.  Not because I desire a gift:  But I desire fruit that may abound to your account, (Philippians 4:16-17).  Being big-hearted with my time & money, with the gifts God has given me is fruit that glorifies God and contributes to my success.

How about the way I walk, the way I carry myself, the way I live?  Am I striving to move in the spirit and live by his precepts or am I base and crass, living in the flesh and embarrassing the people of God by my earthy lifestyle?  “But now being made free from sin, and become servants to God, you have your fruit unto holiness, and the end everlasting life,” (Romans 6:22).  Living holy is a marker of success as it to glorifies our God.

And not only is living a life avoiding evil important, but one filled with good deeds is also beautiful and glorious to God.  “That you might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work,” (Colossians 1:10).  A life filled with virtuous acts is also a successful one.

Lastly, did I share the gospel of Jesus Christ to others?  Did I speak of Christ crucified for our sins and conquering death?  Did I tell people that to trust in him, to call him Lord & to confess one’s sinful state is the way to redemption, the way to life?  This is fruit production of high degree.  “I oftentimes purposed to come to you…that I might have some fruit among you also, even as among other Gentiles,” (Romans 1:13).  Soul winning is fruitful and brings glory to God, being another marker for success.

So, we see that walking in the spirit, praising the Lord, being generous & holy, living a life of many good deeds and sharing the gospel to others is fruit unto our accounts and glorifies our Father.  These things are treasure in heaven for the believer, your retirement plan, if you will, and in God’s economy, is what success is all about.   

I have finished the work which you gave me to do.

John 17:4b

What a question!  Will I be able to say this when my life is complete?  Did I finish the work the Father has given me to do?  Did I finish strong?  Did I run through the tape?  This is so important!  The World is constantly attempting to get me off of this goal.  Retirement, pleasure, family dynamics, trivia, as well as non-eternal worries like world stage issues & financial concerns all compete to slow me down.  

Then of course, there is the other team.  Demons can’t get away with outright lying to me, as we know truth from error.  No, what they do are the two “D’s.”  Delay & Distraction!  “Don’t worry about that nudge from the Lord, you can get to that later.”  Guess what, later sometimes doesn’t come!  Or, “I was going to spend time with the Lord this morning but the rain last night left some dirt residue on my car and I needed to wash it.”  Worldly distractions can sideline me for weeks sometimes.  Don’t let that happen!

Now you may remember, that often distractions are ministry opportunities, so how do you tell the difference?  Here’s a limerick from Jon Courson which really says it all.  “When it comes to ministry prospects, if you don’t know, get up and go!  When it comes to worldly endeavors, if in doubt, opt-out!”  Have “yes” be your default setting when it comes to the things of the Lord and be a little choosy when it comes to the many, many things the World has to offer to fill our time.

Jesus finished the work God gave him to do.  You can do the same by paying attention and by being intentional.  Again, I say, don’t sleepwalk through life.  Keep the goal in view!

I have manifested your name unto the men you gave me.

John 17:6a

Jesus manifested God’s name.  He illustrated it with his words and actions.  You see, the name of God reveals the nature of God.  God is love, light & life.  He is the Prince of Peace and our Provider.  He is the Friend of Sinners and the Wonderful Counselor.  He is the Good Shepherd and the Rose of Sharon. He is the Bright and Morning Star and the Bread of Life.  He is the Great High Priest and the Lamb of God.  This is what I want to do also.  What you can do too!  We can manifest God’s name by walking and living in his nature.  We can love people and live at peace with them.  I can extend mercy to fellow sinners like me & share his words of truth to other seekers on our journey through life.  You can lead little ones along and live whimsically causing others to want what you have discovered.  And we can feed people the words of life sharing that the ultimate nature of God is one of mercy and grace, one of patience and kindness, one of goodness and truth, (Exodus 34:6).  Yes, as Jesus said to Phillip, “he who has seen me, has seen the Father,” (John 14:9).  I want folks to see God in my life too.  Same can be said for you!

For I have given them the words which you have given me.

John 17:8a

Did I give out God’s Word to people in my circles of life?  And more properly, did I give out the “rhema” or spirit-filled word I receive moment by moment from the Lord.  Did I speak words of wisdom to the weary in season and out?  Did I have the tongue of the learned and speak the words of God as he inspired me?  (Isaiah 50:4-6)  Of course, this heavenly ability is predicated upon a soul that is attentive to the Father.  One that wakes most mornings asking him to bless others and committing to staying close to him throughout the day in order to hear his voice over the noise of the World.  What we are talking about here is revelation from God.  Special words, special wisdom, given at the proper time in response to the needs of others.  This is what Jesus specialized in and what we can emulate to some degree.  

So, how does one receive revelation from God?  Going to the written Word will give the answers on hearing from the Lord.  First, listen at night.  When you are in twilight sleep.  God in his word often spoke to his children in dreams & visions in relationship to their sleep time.  Second, extend mercy to others.  The Bible says that He will meet his people at the “mercy seat.”  Next, worship.  In Psalm 22:3 we learn that God inhabits the praises of his children.  This is another way to open the floodgates of revelation.  Fourthly, live a life of obedience to him.  Truly, we are saved by grace, but sin has repercussions that are stifling to our ears, (Isaiah 59:1-2).  The following promise from Jesus tells it all in regards to obedience and revelation.  “You are my friends, if you do whatsoever I command you.  Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant knows not what his lord does:  But I have called you friends; for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you,” (John 15:14-15).  Galatians 4:1 notes that an heir is treated like a servant until he comes of age.  This is what the Lord is saying.  If you act like a mature child, you will get the benefits that come with adulthood.  Believers living in their fleshly nature are still saved, but they miss out hearing from the Teacher!

After obedience, living in the fear of the Lord will open my ears to hearing from God.  Psalm 25:14 promises, “the secret of the Lord is with them that fear him; and he will show them his covenant.”  Sharing the Word to others is another road to revelation.  Preachers tell me often that right in the middle of a sermon, or a prep time, new insights will scream out to them.  I know this to be true.  As an author, most every time I sit down to write, something I had never thought of will pop into my conscious that I had never considered previously.  When I go back over my writings, I am constantly aware of the many things I’ve written down that were new to me at the time they were penned!  Jesus said this would be the case.  Let me show you;

Take heed what you hear:  With what measure you give out, it shall be given to you; and you that hear, shall more be given. 

Mark 4:24

How perfect is this!  As I give out what I am learning, what I am reading, what I am hearing, he will give me more.  Talk about compound interest!  This is God’s economics for sure!

Lastly, my list of avenues to revelation from God includes times of trouble, times of pain and suffering, times of tribulation.  When did Shadrach, Meshach & Abednego walk with the Lord, when did they commune with Jesus?  Why, when they were in the fiery furnace.  And walking in that heat caused others to see the Lord in all of his glory.  As hard as it may be to hear, we are told to embrace difficulties, for it is in these times that we shine the brightest for the Lord.  Those are the times that we can look back on, knowing that God was doing a work in our souls that bettered not only ourselves, but others.

While I was with them in the world, I kept them in your name:  Those that you gave me, I have kept, and none of them is lost…

John 17:12

Like Jesus, the Father has given me, has given you, people to keep in our hearts.  Praying for our tribe, blessing and enlarging others, building up and shoring up those souls God has given us to influence and lead.  I want to embrace this calling by living a life that directs my people to God and not away from him.  Keeping people means frequently bringing them before the throne of grace in prayer and living a life that propels individuals forward, not stumbling them backward by a poor example of a loveless and distracted lifestyle.  Keeping the things of God front & center is part of keeping the persons God has given me.  Eyes are upon you dear believer; it matters what you do.  Monkey see monkey do, is not just a nursery rhyme.  It is a fact of life.  My people will end up doing the things they see me do, either good or bad.  Thus, it’s extremely important to keep my souls by leading with a good example.

I have given them your word.

John 17:14

In verse eight Jesus gave his men the words God gave him moment by moment, here in verse fourteen he is talking about the written word.  The Law, the Poetry & the Prophets.  Jesus taught and divided the word of God in a way that was enlarging and spirit-filled.  He told his followers that looking at a woman with lust was the same as adultery.  He proclaimed that unrighteous anger was the same as murder.  He defined divorce as nearly impossible except for unfaithfulness.  He explained the Sabbath & he taught that an eye for an eye was not the best way, but turning the other cheek was the intent of God.

What about me, what about you.  Do I explain, do I divide the Word to my followers, to my family, to my kids?  This is crucial!  This is one of the things my Lord thought to be important.  Sharing the Word of God to others.  Speaking, interpreting the Bible to my group.  

The good news is that this is not a bummer, not a hardship, it’s easy.  Just as I go about my day, opportunities pop up left and right.  Being sensitive to the many times conversation will lead to opportunity to talk about the things of God is all that is needed.  Oh, one more thing.  Trust over fear.  If I worry about what others will think or say, I am tempted to keep quiet.  But if I prefer what the Lord thinks, then speaking is not an issue, but a joy.  And after the word is released, you will feel great as God’s glory will descend upon your heart, no matter how your words are received. 

So, give out the Word. This is another aspect of success in our Lord’s thinking.

I have declared unto them your name, and I will declare it:  That the love wherewith you have loved me may be in them, and I in them.

John 17:26

In verse six Jesus manifested God’s name, his nature, to his followers & disciples.  Here in verse twenty-six he declares the Name.  It is a new name that didn’t show itself in the scriptures they had available to them two thousand years ago.  The name Jesus declared was “Abba.”

Papa is the closest we have in English to Abba.  It was a name of endearment that lovers of God had not been introduced to until that time.  Intimacy and trust are taken to a new level as we consider this name of the Father which Jesus had declared to his brothers.

This is for us also.  We can live in the “Abba” lifestyle as we walk in intimacy with our Lord, realizing that God is the Husband of Israel, those governed by God, and he is the Groom of the Church.  We are his bride!

This closeness is the apex of this life and thus, important to tell and show others.  I want to declare Abba to others as this too is on the highway to heaven, on the road to success.

Along with characterizations of success from Jesus’ final recorded words to his Father, we see Jesus praying earnestly for his men, for his children.  A look into what he prayed gives us another template of things we too will want to lift up to God concerning those he has entrusted us with to lead & to love.  But more importantly, the seven things Jesus will pray for are a pathway to beholding the glory of God.  For each request, when answered in a believer’s life, builds upon the prior request like a stairway to heaven! 

…keep through your own name those whom you have given me, that they may be one as we are.

John 17:11b

God is a compound unity.  He is “Elohim.”  He is plural.  Elohim is a plural tense word implying a group of more than two.  God is Father, Son & Holy Spirit.  He is three, yet he is one!  Think of a cluster of grapes, or the classic example of the shamrock.  More than one, yet one. 

So too, that is what Jesus is asking of the Father.  “Make them a group of one just as we are.  Give them the same mind, i.e., the mind of Christ, and give them the same purpose, i.e., to glorify you, Father.”  The Bible sings, “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell in unity,” (Psalm 133:1).  How does that happen?  The next verse carols the answer.  “It is like the precious ointment upon the head, that ran down upon the beard, even Aaron’s beard:  That went down to the skirts of the garments.”  Ointment is always a type of the Holy Spirit in the Bible.  Here we see it upon the head of the High Priest Aaron, who of course typifies Jesus clearly.  We, as the body of Christ, receive the spirit as it flows down from the head, as it is received from Jesus.  Thus, unity of the brethren comes as we walk in the spirit, following our Lord’s leading.  When we do our own thing, Jesus’ prayer goes unanswered.  

I pray not that you should take them out of the world, but that you should keep them from evil.

John 17:15

You know that our fallen world is full of evil, don’t you?  Many opportunities to be taken down & wiped out.  Many pitfalls can disqualify us from moving out in the spirit effectively.  Oh, God doesn’t condemn us if we are saved (Romans 8:1), but sin has repercussions.  Sin moves me away from the spot where God’s blessing flow.  Jesus knew that well, hence he prayed for our protection from evil.  Implied of course in this prayer, is protection from the Evil One!  From Satan and his crew! 

Sanctify them through your truth:  Your word is truth.

John 17:17

“Thy word I have hid in my heart, that I might not sin against thee,” (Psalm 119:11).  The Word of God is truth, it separates truth from error.  It gives us the compass we need in the forest of the World.  Like has been said.  Without this guidepost, without the manual for life, abuse is inevitable!  The Bibles warns, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.”  Indeed, Satan can easily take advantage of us in areas where we are ignorant.  Jesus’ prayer is for the believer to overcome evil, to be protected from the Evil One, by being rooted and grounded in his Father’s Word.  Hiding the Word in your heart is so crucial.  When I look at our Leader’s example, every time he was tempted, he went to the Word, as it was in his heart and ready to be released.  That’s where the power dwells.  The Bible is like a lion in a cage, let it out and watch what happens!

Not only does the Word divide truth from error, but wonderfully it moves a believer away from his former lifestyle of sin & self to one that is sanctified and holy.  To be sanctified is to be set apart for God, to be in a position to be used by God for his glory and to build his Kingdom.  Jesus is asking the Father to use the Word to protect the believers and also to move them forward in service spreading the gospel.

As this prayer of Jesus was answered, it brings us to the exciting prayer of verse twenty.  For this next prayer is the one our Lord prayed specifically for you & me!

Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word.

John 17:20

As disciples are sanctified, as they are set apart for the Master’s use, reproduction naturally occurs.  A single-minded believer cannot keep quiet!  Jeremiah said the Word was a fire in his belly when he kept still.  The disciples told the Jews that they cannot but preach the things they had seen and heard.  We believers throughout the ages are the answer to this prayer of Jesus.  And delightfully, we get to be part of this ongoing request as we move forward in time, telling future generations of our awesome King.  How cool is that!

That they may be one; as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, that they also may be one in us:  That the world may believe that you have sent me.

John 17:21

The priestly prayer circles back to unity again.  Unity among the brethren in the beginning and unity in the church presently.  How does that happen?  Is this prayer going unanswered?  It certainly can be said that there are fractures amongst the different groups which make up the Body of Christ.  Well, I submit that Jesus’ prayer was & is being answered nonetheless.  That is because the differences are on the non-essentials.  Do we baptize as a baby or an adult, do we speak in tongues or not, do we sing hymns or worship to drums & guitars?  But the essences are the same in all groups.  The Lord’s Table, the Death & Resurrection of the Christ, the Hope of Heaven, these are all unified beliefs among all who call upon Jesus as Lord.

It is this unity, his death for our sins & his resurrection for our life, which proclaims Jesus to the World.  Certainly, it would seem that Jesus’ prayer has been received.  Jesus Christ is the most famous person who has ever lived.  At the time this prayer was uttered, only a few thousand people had ever heard of Him, yet now, two thousand years later, his name has significance to nearly every soul on earth!

I in them, and you in me, that they may be made perfect (mature) in one; and that the world may know that you have sent me, and have loved them, as you have loved me.

John 17:23 (italics added)

Belief in simplicity of the gospel, belief in the death and resurrection of our Lord is what perfects the follower of Christ.  It’s not difficult.  It’s not hard.  It’s not deep & esoteric.  Maturity comes from the simple acknowledgment that I need a Savior.  Calling out to him as Lord and holding fast to the understanding that he alone has the power over death.

With that simple truth comes the “out of this world” next part of Jesus’ prayer.  That is, that the world would know that God loves them as much as he loves Jesus!  What if I really believed that!  Would I act and pray differently?  Certainly, there would be no pressure to perform.  I simply could rest in his love for me.  Well, God does love his adopted children just as much, to the same degree, as his begotten Son.  This is wonderful!  This is freeing!  This is good news!

Father, I will that they also, whom you have given me, be with me where I am; that they may behold my glory, which you have given me:  For you loved me before the foundation of the world.

John 17:24

This is the hope of Heaven.  To be with Jesus, to be with our loved ones.  To be in that place where there is no more tears, no more sorrow, no more pain.  What a day that will be.  Thank you Jesus for praying this last prayer.  And look how he ends it.  That we may behold his glory!  Do you know, his glory is what you are really craving?  The glory, the “Chabod” in Hebrew, the weight and substance of God, is what we all long for.  Jesus ends this wonderful prayer by requesting his Father immerse us all in the very presence of his life, love & light.  What we lost in Eden will be restored in Paradise!

So, we see this prayer building beautifully.  Unity & protection leading to sanctification and then evangelism.  This in turn births forth corporate unity producing maturity and the sense of God’s great love for us.  All of this culminates in the great goal, the great desire.  That we would and will behold his glory!

So, we understand that Jesus’ definition of a successful life is far different than the World’s.  But how do we get to holy place where he walked seemingly all of the time.  Well, one step at a time, one day at a time.  Our lives are made of days and weeks, of hours and moments.  This is the key to success.  It is moment by moment.  Opportunity by opportunity.  And the wonderful thing is that even when we fail, God still loves us, so just get up, dust off, and start back on the path of success.  For the reality of life is that a successful day, or a successful life, is not accomplishing the things on my schedule or my five-year plan, but it is to remain in fellowship and communication with my Lord as much as possible!


  1. Success in Jesus’ eyes looks different than what is viewed by the World.

  2. Seven statements summarize Jesus’ success. He glorified the Father, he finished the work given him, he manifested God’s name, he gave out the words given to him by the Father, he kept those he was given, he gave out the Word & he declared the love of Abba.

  3. Fruit bearing is “others” oriented.

  4. Delay & Distractions are two things the Devil, the World & the flesh will use to get you off of your goal.

  5. The names of God reveal his nature. To manifest God’s name means to live life in a way that reflects God’s nature.

  6. Revelations Jesus received from the Father, he gave to others.

  7. Keeping those given to me includes praying for them, blessing & enlarging them, as well as leading them by example.

  8. Jesus made seven requests to the Father which build upon each other & culminate in beholding the glory of God. Keep them as one, keep them from evil, set them apart by the Word, keep those they preach to & keep them as one also, give them all maturity and a sense of your love for them. Finally, he prayed to let them all see his glory!

  9. The glory of God is what we all innately crave.

For Further Study:

  1. What are some examples of fruit production which will bring glory to God?

  2. Again I ask, how does finishing strong in life look to you?

  3. How do you tell the difference between worldly distractions from those which actually are opportunities for good?

  4. What are some ways men & women receive revelation from God? What do you do with it when you hear it?

  5. How does 2nd Timothy 2:15 help you give out the Word of God to those entrusted to you?

  6. Is it easy or hard for you to think of God as Papa? Does believing that he loves you as much as he loves Jesus help you in that regard?

  7. How does knowing principles & precepts of God’s Word simplify one’s life?

  8. Two questions for you to think about after reading Jesus’ markers for success. First, who are you? Second, what are you doing here?